About CBM

CBM is an international Christian development organisation, committed to improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities in the poorest communities of the world.

The world is making progress in tackling poverty. However, persons with disabilities are left behind. One in seven of us has a disability. That is more than one billion people around the world! 80 per cent of whom live in low middle-income countries.

Based on our Christian values and more than 100 years of professional expertise, we address poverty as a cause and a consequence of disability. We work in partnership with state and non-state actors to create an inclusive society for all.

Our work is not just about numbers; it's about making a real difference in the lives of those in need. We place a strong emphasis on local capacity development in the regions where we work. This approach not only enhances service delivery in crucial areas such as healthcare, education, rehabilitation, and livelihood development but also fosters the organisational development of our partner organisations, ensuring a sustainable impact.

CBM Annual Financial Statements 2023

CBM Annual Financial Statements 2022

Trachoma Prevention Control Programm

CBM in Numbers

Together with our partners, CBM reached around 62.2 million people in 2023. Of these, 10.4 million people received comprehensive assistance through various services, including medical treatment, rehabilitation measures, education, livelihood security and emergency aid. That is 1.6 million more than in the previous year. CBM’s work was made possible with funding support from strong partners who financed projects in 35 countries, increasing the aid provided by CBM severalfold.

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